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Management support units

The Administrative Secretariat deals with the management of all administrative and accounting activities of the Institute and those of the Registry.it. In particular:

  • management plans and three-years planning activities;
  • purchases, management of tender procedures, pre-litigation and disputes;
  • cash management and financial activities;
  • management of income and expenses;
  • support for the reporting of European and national projects;
  • VAT management;
  • procedures for research grants and collaboration contracts payments;
  • accounting and administrative procedures for staff travels;
  • administrative and accounting activity relating to the Registrars and annual economic reporting for the. It Registry;
  • drafting and management of contracts, operating agreements with national and international public bodies, scientific collaboration agreements and management of intellectual property;

The Administration Secretariat can be contacted for information regarding:

  • invoices, fees and payments, payment obligations, verification of irregularities, mandates, recovery orders, etc.
  • employment procedures for public tenders governed by EU rules
  • stipulation of active and passive contracts with the Institute
  • administrative and accounting issues relating to the .it Registry

Manager: Irene Sannicandro
Tel +39 050 315 3265
Tel +39 050 315 2117
Email segreteria@iit.cnr.it

This office supports the Direction for the communication and external relations with specific consultancy, promotional materials production and event organization. It designs and manages the updating of the Institute’s website and deals with the editorial plan of the IIT-CNR social networks pages. It manages the coordinated image of the Institute, supports research and technological units for their communication needs and plans and sets up scientific dissemination and promotional events.

You can contact the Communications Department for:

  • information on the communication activities of the Institute
  • the IIT logo and information concerning its possible uses
  • incorrect or missing information on the IIT website

  • Manager: Chiara Spinelli
    Tel +39 050 315 8253
    Mob +39 348 829 6590
    Email comunicazione@iit.cnr.it

The Director Secretariat supports the Director in a range of activities within the IIT and the entire CNR. This includes the preparation of legal documents and procedures regarding the offices of the Institute, preparation of authorization documents (in coordination with the Administration Department), management of Institute records office protocols, coordination with CNR Headquarters, communications to IIT services and offices.

The Director Secretariat can be contacted for information regarding:

  • appointments with the Director
  • documents requiring specific protocol registration
Manager: Paola Pacella
Tel +39 050 315 2112
Tel +39 050 315 2117
Email segreteria@iit.cnr.it

The Grant Office:

  • provide support to the RU and UT of the Institute for the presentation, management and reporting of national and international research projects and related research contracts with companies and Public Administration
  • support the Director in the collection of data and statistics relating to research projects and contracts
  • promote a periodic dissemination of information relating to the publication of new calls

The Grant Office can be contacted for information regarding:

  • New project calls and proposals drafting
  • Presentation of proposals
  • Management of relations with the partnership and sponsors
  • Project management
  • Project documentation and reporting
  • Support for the organization of project meetings

Manager: Lucia Ghelardi
Tel +39 050 315 3490
Tel +39 349 082 9905
Email grantoffice@iit.cnr.it

The Personnel Department deals with the management of employment procedures, both for short-term and long-term personnel contracts and for external consultancy contracts across a range of positions within IIT.

The Personnel Department can be contacted for information on:

  • all aspects relating to the career structure of CNR personnel: employment, attendance, overtime, vacation leave, practices relating to incentives and overtime
  • contracts for occasional provision of service, contracts for research grants and for fixed-term agreements with IIT
Manager: Irene Sannicandro
Tel +39 050 315 3265
Tel +39 050 315 2117
Email segreteria@iit.cnr.it

The Scientific Affairs Unit carries out and coordinates institutional activities for the dissemination and enhancement of research results which are achieved at national and international levels.

  • It promotes the internationalization of research by representing CNR and IIT-CNR in ICT international organizations and European research consortia.
  • It plans and organizes conferences, exhibitions, project meetings and seminars promoted by IIT CNR, and deals with the coordinated image of each event.
  • It administers the Library of IIT-CNR for the enhancement and dissemination of the scientific research production carried out by the Institute and by the .it Registry.
  • It coordinates projects for the Italian work experience programme (the so called “Alternanza scuola-lavoro”), an ongoing innovative educational project involving high school students. This enables pupils to “alternate” periods of training in the classroom with placements in research institutions or other hosting organizations, helping their gradual entry into the world of work.
  • The Unit also deals with planning and organizing training courses for the CNR personnel of IIT and of drafting assessment documents and scientific reports as required by CNR Regulations.

The Scientific Affairs Unit can be contacted regarding:

  • conferences, exhibitions and events organized by IIT-CNR
  • European post-doctoral fellowship programmes of the European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)
  • scientific articles and publications of IIT-CNR and of Registro .it
  • projects of the Italian work experience programme for high school students
  • organizing visits and seminars for classes of school students and accompanying teachers
  • establishing contacts with the scientific and technological units of IIT-CNR
Manager: Adriana Lazzaroni
Tel +39 050 315 2646
Tel +39 050 315 2647
Email segreteria-scientifica@iit.cnr.it

The Technical Office handles the management of the Institute’s assets regarding both the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of equipment and movables. It manages telephony, inventory of goods and outgoing mail. The Technical Office also coordinates activities relating to safety and emergency management.

Manager: Cesario Carlo Alfiero Carbone
Tel +39 050 315 3532
Email ufficio.tecnico@iit.cnr.it