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NRRP Projects

RESTART – ​​RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART
Partenariato Esteso Telecomunicazioni del Futuro (PE14)

The research and development program RESTART “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart” has been funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with 116 million euros, making it the most important public R&D program ever implemented in the Telecommunications sector in Italy. The program has a duration of 3 years, starting from January 2023.
RESTART has the ambitious goal of contributing to shaping the evolution of Telecommunications in Italy, restarting a sector that possesses world-class expertise and experience. It focuses on the main topics of Telecommunications science and technology, including all types of related systems and networks for both human and non-human users.

FAIR – Future AI Research
Partenariato Esteso Intelligenza Artificiale (PE1)

FAIR, the Italian extended partnership for Future AI Research has been funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with 122 million euros. The program has a duration of 3 years, starting from January 2023, and is organised according to the ‘Hub & Spokes’ model. The coordinator is the National Research Council (CNR) and the program is implemented by the functional merge of activities planned by the 10 spokes in charge of specific thematic areas.

FAIR takes on the challenge of setting the agenda of frontier research for the AI methodologies and techniques of tomorrow. Well beyond currently available technologies, FAIR argues that we need AI systems capable of interacting and collaborating with humans, of perceiving and acting within evolving contexts, of being aware of their own limitations and able to adapt to new situations, and interacting appropriately in complex social settings, of being aware of their perimeters of security and trust, and of being attentive to the environmental and social impact that their implementation and execution may entail. In short, we need an AI that does not yet exist. 

SERICS – SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace
Partenariato Esteso: Cybersecurity, nuove tecnologie e tutela dei diritti (PE7)

SERICS, the Italian extended partnership in Cybersecurity: new technologies and protection of rights has been funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with ~140 million euros. The program has a duration of 3 years, starting from January 2023, and is organized according to the ‘Hub & Spokes’ model.
SERICS tackles the challenge of how to defend cyberspace from the threats and attacks that, through malicious cyber actions, perpetrate fraud, steal sensitive and strategic business data, and affect the financial stability, public order, and democratic life of a country. For this reason, it is particularly important to involve institutions, universities, research centers, and companies in an increasingly intense and integrated way. A country that does not put cybersecurity at the center of its policies of innovation and digital transformation poses a serious risk to its economic prosperity and independence.

NQSTI – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute
Partenariato Esteso: National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (PE4)

The National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) is a consortium funded under Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) in the framework of the European Union – NextGenerationEU. It was officially launched in January 2023 and will run for three years. 
Our ambitious goals are to team up with Italian entities carrying out competitive and innovative research in the field of quantum science and technology and to stimulate future industrial innovation in this field, providing a forum in which novel ideas and opportunities are transferred to companies. Moreover, a significant fraction of the project resources are dedicated to supporting a comprehensive education program, favouring technology transfer to companies, and implementing a robust outreach program to make quantum science and technology pervasive in society.

THE – Tuscany Health ecosystem
Innovation ecosystem

THE  is an Innovation Ecosystem funded under Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) in the framework of the European Union – NextGenerationEU. It was officially launched in November 2022 and will run for three years. The main objective of the project is to stimulate and sustain the growth of the Life Science ecosystem in Tuscany region through a multidisciplinary approach, specialised expertises and cross-fertilization among sciences and technologies. Some of the main research themes of the project are: Advanced radiotherapies, oncology diagnostic, preventive and predictive medicine, methods, materials and technologies for human health and well-being. Spoke 3 is dedicated to advanced technologies and we mainly focus on novel solutions for active and healthy aging.

MOST – Sustainable Mobility Center
Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile

MOST – Centro Nazionale per la mobilità sostenibile, through collaboration with 24 universities, CNR and 24 large companies, has the mission of implementing modern, sustainable and inclusive solutions for the entire national territory.

The areas and technological fields of greatest interest in the project are: air mobility, sustainable road vehicles, water transport, rail transport, light vehicles and active mobility. The National Center will take care of making the mobility system more “green” as a whole and more “digital” in its management. It will do so through lightweight solutions and electric and hydrogen propulsion systems; digital systems for the reduction of accidents; more effective solutions for public transport and logistics; a new model of mobility, as a service, accessible and inclusive.

ICSC – National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing
Centro Nazionale: Simulazioni, calcolo e analisi dei dati ad alte prestazioni (CN1)

ICSC – the Italian National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing has been funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.4, Call n. 3128 of 16.12.2021 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with ~320 million euros. The program has a duration of 3 years, starting from September 2022, and is organized according to the ‘Hub & Spokes’ model.
The National Supercomputing Centre’s activities will prioritize maintaining and enhancing Italy’s HPC and Big Data infrastructure while advancing methods, numerical applications, and software tools. These efforts aim to seamlessly integrate computing, simulation, and data analysis crucial for research, manufacturing, and societal needs, including cloud and distributed approaches.

SoBigData.it Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics
Bando Research Infrastructures

The SoBigData.it project aims to strengthen the Italian node of the SoBigData research infrastructure (www.sobigdata.eu), with the goal of enhancing interdisciplinary and innovative research on the multiple aspects of social complexity by combining data and model-driven approach.